Splash Plumbing
Splash Plumbing was designed in Photoshop and then, in the interest of time, was sent to a 3rd party company, PSD 2HTML, to code the HTML and CSS for the home page and top navigation. As development continued, additional elements were added, such as the 2 home page image animations designed in Adobe Flash CS3 and Scriptaculous forms on the Contact Us page (complete with a CAPTCHA at the bottom to combat spam submissions). Additionally, splashplumbing.com utilized FaceBox (a jQuery-based, Facebook-style lightbox) to call to hidden divs in the code via a right navigation. This allowed for paragraphs of SEO-rich text to be crawled by search engines while not cluttering valuable real estate on content pages.
Project Tools and Assets
- Adobe Photoshop CS3
- Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
- Adobe Flash CS3
- Facebox lightbox